What is Brain Fog and how to Overcome?

What is Brain Fog and how to Overcome

Brain fog is a common condition that can make it hard to think clearly, recall information, or solve problems. It’s frequently misdiagnosed because it has similar symptoms to other conditions like disorders, anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Lets find out how to overcome brain fog.

What is Brain Fog feels like

What is Brain Fog

Brain fog is a condition that makes it hard to think clearly and remember things. It’s also called “mental cloudiness” or “brain fatigue.”

Brain fog usually comes on gradually and gets worse over time. It can last for hours, days or even weeks. The symptoms may vary from person to person but are usually the same in each case:

  • Trouble concentrating and focusing on tasks at hand
  • Trouble remembering important information (like names of people you just met)
  • Difficulty processing new information as quickly as usual

Symptoms of Brain Fog Anxiety

Mood swing Brain Fog

Brain fog is a symptom of a number of conditions. It may be caused by stress, lack of sleep, and other lifestyle factors. Brain fog can also be a symptom of an underlying health condition such as anemia or hypothyroidism.

According to the research, brain fog is characterized by:

  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Impaired cognitive function (memory loss)
  • Forgetfulness


What is Brain Fog and how to overcome

There are a number of possible causes for brain fog. Stress, lack of sleep and poor diet can all contribute to this condition. If you’re experiencing a lot of stress in your life, it may be causing the brain fog by increasing the level of cortisol in your body. This leads to inflammation, which is associated with many kinds of health issues including brain fog.

If you’ve been struggling with insomnia lately, that’s another good reason why you might have been feeling foggy lately—it could be because you’ve been tossing and turning at night trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep! On top of having trouble sleeping though (which also makes sense if you’re worried about something), lack of sleep can cause low energy levels which make all sorts of things harder on us—and this includes remembering things too!

A poor diet will affect our brains too: studies show that people who eat foods high in saturated fat like red meat or dairy products are more likely than others not only their brains but other organs as well too because these types foods lead directly into arteries which carry blood throughout our bodies–including those inside our heads! So if any type food makes its way into these areas then those cells will receive less oxygen than normal resulting in decreased mental energy levels.”

Overcome Brain Fog

If you ask – Is brain fog treatable? Well, the answer is obviously YES! So, lets find out the process to overcome Brain Fog.

Spend less time on computers and mobile phone  

What is Brain Fog and how to Overcome

First things first, you should spend less time on computer and mobile phone. It may seem obvious but the fact is that we spend so much of our lives in front of computer screens or with our phones in hand that it has become a habit for many people. The problem with this is that both devices emit blue light which can negatively affect our sleep cycles. This means that if you are spending more time than usual on your phone before bedtime, you may be disrupting your sleep cycle causing tiredness and fatigue during the day.

To avoid this problem, try to do something else instead of looking at your phone or laptop just before bedtime such as reading a book, taking a walk outside or writing in a journal. In addition to this recommendation it may also help if you reduce the amount of time spent on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram because they tend to go against everything mentioned above.

Positive thinking, reduce stress  

positive thinking

Now that you know what brain fog is and ways to avoid it, here’s the most important thing to remember: positive thinking is the best way to reduce stress. The mind can be our greatest asset or biggest liability, depending on the way we use it. This applies to everything from our relationships with others to our health—including our mental state and ability to think clearly.

So if you’re struggling with brain fog symptoms right now, my advice would be this: meditate on them! Take time each day for yourself as an individual instead of being pulled into other people’s problems or issues. You might start by turning off the TV and reading a book (or even just listening to music) instead of watching the news or scrolling through social media posts all day long like most everyone else does these days.”

Change your diet  

healthy diet

  • Eat more vitamins, minerals, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Eat less sugar and processed foods. Strictly avoid Vegetable Oils.
  • Eat more foods that are high in antioxidants, such as berries, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes and green tea.

You can consider above diet as brain fog food, tough taking these meals alone might not have a huge impact on your mental health but they will make you healthier overall which will help to give your brain the best chance of functioning at its best.

Get enough sleep to overcome brain fog

What is Brain Fog and how to Overcome

To get rid of brain fog, you need to make sure you are getting enough sleep. You should try to get typically at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night and avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine in the evening. Try not to eat large meals before bedtime either as this can make it harder for your body to fall asleep.

You should also try and keep a regular sleep schedule so that your body knows when it needs rest. This will help reduce stress on your mind which can cause more problems with brain fog than anything else.

Regular exercise is the best way to overcome brain fog

exercise removes Brain Fog

Regular exercise can help to improve memory and concentration by helping to improve blood flow to the brain. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, improves heart health and increases the production of hormones that improve brain function.

Exercise has also been shown to reduce stress levels in the body which can have a positive effect on the way you feel mentally. Stress has been shown to impact moods negatively so reducing stress can help you feel happier overall.



One of the best and most important ways to overcome brain fog is by increasing your breathing capacity. Many people with brain fog have low lung capacity, which reduces their oxygen intake. As a result, they don’t get enough oxygen into their bodies to properly function.

This can be improved through deep breathing exercises, or even just slow, deliberate breaths while walking around or sitting at your desk. While you’re trying this out, try doing it in conjunction with some other methods we’ll discuss later on in this article (like exercising). If you find that these techniques help clear up your brain fog symptoms, then keep doing them.

Avoid alcohol, smoking, and drinking coffee in the afternoon  

avoid drink

The first thing you should do is to avoid alcohol, smoking and drinking coffee in the afternoon. The reason for this is that these three things can cause your brain fog to worsen.

The second thing you should do is to avoid taking too much caffeine at one time. Too much caffeine can increase the blood flow to your brain by increasing adrenaline levels which will make it more difficult for your body to relax and fall asleep at night, leaving you feeling tired during the day and causing brain fog symptoms as well.

Finding enjoyable activities to overcome brain fog

activity removes Brain Fog

You can boost your mental fitness by finding new and enjoyable activities. Try something new, or try to do something you enjoy. If you’re not sure what that is, start with a small part of your day. For example, if you like reading books for fun, try reading for ten minutes before bedtime instead of watching TV before going to sleep.

Make sure that whatever activity you choose:

  • has practical value (you’ll use the skill again)
  • requires effort so that it’s not too easy (so it feels rewarding when completed)
  • has clear goals and progress markers throughout (to keep track of how far along you are).

Throw away toxins from your surroundings

We all want to live in a home that is safe, comfortable, and healthy. But sometimes we don’t realize that there are toxins present in our homes that can lead to serious health problems and make us emotional. Toxins can be absorbed through your skin or inhaled through the air you breathe or even swallowed when eating food that has been tainted by toxins.

It is important to know where these toxins are coming from so that we can limit their exposure in our homes and lives.

  • Use natural cleaning products. These are much safer than the chemical-based ones and will actually clean your home.
  • Avoid products with fragrance. This can be an easy way to reduce toxins in your home, as fragrances often contain harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds).
  • Natural light is good for your health, your mood and your home. It’s also good for your plants, pets and wallet.
  • You can improve air quality by opening windows to let out polluted air and letting fresh, clean air in. If you have a HEPA filter for your vacuum cleaner and/or central heating venting system, it will help keep the dust levels down in your home. A dehumidifier will reduce moisture levels and make your house feel less damp. A humidifier can increase the humidity level of the air if you live in an arid climate or dry winter environment. If you don’t have one already, consider getting a fan (especially if you live somewhere with high humidity) as they can circulate all that good exhaust-cleaning oxygen through your home!

Supplement should be used to overcome brain fog

Fish Oil   

fish oil Brain Fog

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also known to help improve memory and concentration.

Fish oil supplements are also known to help improve mood.

Ginkgo Biloba Extract  

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba Extract is a herbal supplement that may help improve blood flow to the brain. It may also help improve memory and concentration.

Inflammation in the brain can cause chronic fatigue, lack of focus, and brain fog. There are many causes for inflammation in your body but there are steps you can take to reduce it.

Choline Bitartrate  

Choline Bitartrate is a form of choline that can be found in many foods, including eggs, fish, meat, and beans. It’s also a nutrient that is essential for brain health. According to the National Institutes of Health:

  • Choline helps create cell membranes in your body and aids in nerve function.
  • It’s needed to make acetylcholine—a neurotransmitter involved in memory formation and learning new information.
  • It helps produce phosphatidylcholine—a critical building block for your cell membranes (which are important for maintaining healthy skin).

Gamma Oryzanol  

Gamma Oryzanol removes Brain Fog

Gamma Oryzanol is a compound found in rice bran oil. It can help reduce your risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels and decrease inflammation. Gamma Oryzanol also has antioxidant properties which inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and prevent the formation of blood clots.

It helps overcome brain fog by increasing blood flow to the brain, thus improving oxygenation and overall brain health. Studies have shown that taking Delta-7 tocotrienols (another form of gamma oryzanol) can improve cognitive function as well as reduce symptoms such as depression and anxiety in people with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

In order for this supplement to work effectively, it should be taken at least three times a day on an empty stomach before meals or before bedtime with water only after 15 minutes from eating other foods since it may cause stomach upset when food is present in your stomach at the same time as consuming packaged doses containing this substance.*


L-Theanine is an amino acid. It’s considered to be one of the most important neurotransmitters in your brain, and it is responsible for regulating your mood and sleep cycles. L-Theanine has been shown to improve mental clarity and focus by increasing alpha waves in the brain, which makes you feel relaxed but alert at the same time.

In addition to its ability to help you focus on anything at hand, L-Theanine also helps reduce anxiety levels while promoting relaxation without making you feel drowsy or sleepy (like alcohol would). This can make it easier for you to fall asleep at night if insomnia is keeping your morning groggy or even keep stress levels down during stressful times like finals week.

L-Theanine also plays a role in reducing blood pressure and depression while improving sleep quality. These benefits have been linked with lower rates of heart disease when taken regularly over time because they help prevent oxidative damage from free radicals.”

Soy Lecithin

Soy Lecithin 

Soy Lecithin is a natural emulsifier, which means it helps to keep oil and water mixed together. It is a great source of choline, an important nutrient that is necessary for brain function. In addition, lecithin also contains phosphatidylcholine, which aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This means that consuming soy lecithin can improve your overall health by making you more able to absorb important nutrients into your system.


Get rid of brain fog is not very hard as it’s a condition that affects many people. It can be caused by stress or lack of sleep, but it can also be the result of an underlying medical condition. If you are experiencing symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor right away so they can start brain fog treatment and determine what might be causing them to treat accordingly.

Disclaimer:- The Above content is purely informational basis. Any information given above in this site do not constitute medical advice, medical recommendations, diagnosis, treatment, or cure. Individual experiences and results may vary. As a unique individual, only You, with the advice of Your health care practitioner, can judge whether any specific product, regimen, practice, or protocol is right for You. Please always consult with Your qualified health care practitioner regarding any specific questions you may have regarding Your health. Please do not delay or disregard medical advice provided by Your health care practitioner based on anything found on the Website. 



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