Everyday Habits That Add Years to Your Life

habits for long life

We live in a society where we’re constantly being told that we need to do more. In order to get ahead, you need to work harder and longer. However, there are some aspects of life where it’s actually better to do less–such as your daily routine. While it’s tempting to try and cram everything into an already-full schedule, there are ways for you to add years onto your life by making simple changes like taking breaks or spending more time with family members.

In this article we’ll discuss top habits that will add healthy years to your life: eating breakfast every morning; taking regular breaks at work; drinking water throughout the day; and spending quality time with friends and family members.

A Healthy Diet – one of the most important habits for longevity

healthy diet

You should eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet consists of five servings of fruit and vegetables per day, plus fish and other sources of protein such as legumes, beans, nuts and seeds. Try to avoid sugary foods like sweets, cakes or biscuits and salty snacks like crisps or salted nuts. Instead opt for healthier options such as wholegrain cereals with low-fat milk for breakfast; sandwiches made from wholemeal bread with lean meat fillings; low-salt soups (e.g., vegetable soup) for lunch; jacket potatoes with tuna mayonnaise on top; grilled chicken breasts served with salad leaves at dinner time – all these meals will help you live longer by reducing your risk of heart disease which is one of the main causes of death in Western society today.

Another important thing to remember is that humans need more than just food: they also need fluids such as water which contains minerals needed by our bodies to function properly.

Getting Enough Sleep- a healthy habit for live long


Getting enough sleep is one of the most important habits you can adopt, and it’s also one of the most neglected. A good night’s sleep not only helps you feel more energized during the day and avoid getting sick, but it can reduce your risk of heart disease. And when you get a good night’s rest, your brain works faster and more efficiently—meaning that even if you’re working on something difficult at work or school, your brain will be able to handle complex tasks with less mental effort.

Sleep deprivation is also dangerous: It can lead to car crashes and industrial accidents, as well as decrease productivity at work (which means less money coming in). If you’re like many Americans who don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis due to their schedules or other commitments—or have trouble falling asleep at night because they’re worried about something—it might be time for an intervention. Here are some ways you can help yourself get better rest every night.

Managing Stress- one of the habits that benefit you

stress release

Stress is a normal, natural response to any demand. It can be good or bad, depending on the situation and how you react to it. Stress is unavoidable—there are no hard-and-fast rules that say how much stress you should have in your life. Stress is part of everyday life, which means you will experience some level of anxiety even if everything goes perfectly smooth.

However, there are ways to manage your stress so that it does not become overwhelming. The first step toward managing your anxiety is accepting that it’s a natural part of life and not something that needs to be eradicated completely from your daily routine. You can’t always avoid stressful situations but you can learn how to deal with them better when they arise by practicing some simple techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises every day before bed time (or whenever else).

Floss Your Teeth Daily- a healthy habit list

floss teeth

You may not think of flossing as a habit, but it’s one you should start making part of your daily routine. If you have ever suffered from gum disease or cavities, it is likely that dental hygiene played a role in the development of these conditions. The most common way people develop gum disease is by not flossing their teeth regularly, which can lead to bad breath and more serious medical issues.

Flossing helps prevent tooth decay by removing plaque buildup between teeth where brushing cannot reach on its own. It also removes debris from between the gums and teeth which can cause irritation or infection if left untreated. Flossing at least once per day will help you keep your breath fresh without having to rely on mouthwash or chewing gum all day long.

Exercise if you want to add healthy years to your life


  • Exercise is good for you. You know this, but it bears repeating.
  • Exercise reduces stress, depression, anxiety and anger. According to a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology and Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, exercise can help reduce anger in people who have high blood pressure or arthritis by reducing the negative effects of stress and anxiety on the body.
  • It’s not just about your physical health—exercise has been found to be an effective tool for managing pain associated with chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes as well as mental health issues like depression or anxiety. An article from Harvard Health Publications notes that “regular physical activity appears to improve symptoms of depression” by increasing brain chemicals known as endorphins (which are linked to feeling happy) while decreasing cortisol levels (which are linked to stress). Additionally, those with low levels of regular exercise were found more likely than their more active counterparts to suffer from poor sleep quality – which can also lead directly into fatigue later on down these paths.”

Maintaining Relationships in another healthy habits you need in your life.

maintain relationship

Your relationships with family, friends, colleagues and neighbors can make or break your health. Whether you’ve got a spouse to share the joys of life with or just a friend who makes you laugh—the quality of these relationships impacts your overall wellbeing.

The good news is that maintaining relationships is easier than you might think. You don’t have to be an extrovert who loves socializing all the time—you just need to pay attention to what makes each person in your life happy and do it regularly if possible! So whether that means sending an occasional text message when things get busy at work or surprising Mom on her birthday with a phone call in the middle of the day, there are so many ways for all of us (yes even introverts) to stay connected even when we’re apart from one another physically.”

Stay Positive- should be in your daily habits list

stay positive

When you think about how much time and energy you spend dwelling on negative things, you’re actually making yourself unhappy. In order to live a longer and healthier life, it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of every day.

The first step in becoming more positive is recognizing that there are two types of thoughts: conscious and subconscious. Your conscious thoughts are those that come into your mind when you ask yourself, “What am I thinking about?” A good example is when someone asks if they look nice in an outfit before going out. This sort of questioning is what makes up conscious thinking, which we do all the time without even realizing it. On the other hand, subconscious thoughts are those that occur without asking yourself if they exist at all—they simply pop into your head when something triggers them; this could be anything from hearing a song on the radio to seeing someone smile at you across the street (which would make anyone smile back). By keeping track of both kinds of thoughts throughout each day, it will become easier to recognize which ones add value to your life versus those that don’t serve any purpose besides making things worse for yourself in some way or another.”



Socializing is good for your mental health, and it’s good for your physical health, too. In fact, socializing is so good for you that it can help you live longer. And not just a few extra years—we’re talking about living longer and better.

Socializing helps you stay mentally sharp as you get older. It also gives you an opportunity to keep in touch with friends and family who matter most to you (and vice versa). Plus if there’s anyone else out there who needs a forever companion like me…then I’ll be ready when they are! Socialization is healthy because it keeps our brains active by providing us with cognitive challenges such as conversation or solving problems together. When we surround ourselves with people whom we cherish, we’re more likely to feel connected—and that makes us happier overall.

Skin Protection and Supplementation

good skin and hair

With the amount of sunscreen you’re supposed to wear, it can be hard to remember when you put on your last layer. But sunscreen is not just for summer—it’s important year-round for skin cancer prevention, aging prevention, pigmentation prevention and irritation prevention. In fact, dermatologists recommend that people use at least an SPF 30 during winter months as well as summer.

Sunscreen protects against not only UVB rays (the ones associated with burning) but also UVA rays (the ones that penetrate deeper into the skin). UVA damage can lead to premature aging and wrinkles while increasing your risk of melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer). Vitamin D is essential for bone health so do make sure you get enough vitamin D by exposing yourself to sunshine while using sunscreen.

Keep Sober and Avoid Substance Use – everyday habits to better yourself

  • Avoiding alcohol and substance use, like drugs and cigarettes, can add years to your life. Consuming even the smallest amount of alcohol has been shown to increase mortality rates nearly two-fold.
  • Alcohol damages every organ in the body and acts as a carcinogen by increasing estrogen levels in women, which can lead to breast cancer.
  • It also increases blood pressure and heart rate which can lead to heart disease and stroke.
  • Excessive drinking is linked with liver disease including alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation), cirrhosis (scarring) or liver cancer.

If you manage these things daily, you will live longer

Healthy Seniors Couple

You need to make these habits a part of your daily life. You can’t do them all at once and then stop. If you try, it won’t work for long.

Start with one or two habits and then add more later if you want to take on more challenges. Once you have one or two healthy habits that are easy for you to incorporate into your daily routine, then move on to adding another one or two new ones over time.


We’ve seen that daily habits can add years to your life. Remember, these are just a few simple changes that can make all the difference in how you feel and live. Whether it’s taking time for yourself or getting enough sleep at night, making these small changes will have a big impact on your overall health.


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