Should You Work Out While You’re Fasting?

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Fasting is a popular weight loss strategy, but it’s just one part of the puzzle. Whether you’re focused on intermittent fasting, creating a calorie deficit through diet, or even committing to daytime-only eating, exercise can help you get the results you want faster. And if you’re wondering about whether or not to work out while fasting for weight loss? You’re in luck: here’s what you need to know that weight lifting and fasting at same time can be done or not.

What happens if you exercise while fasting?

As mentioned above, there are a few things to consider before you decide on fasting while exercising.

  • You can exercise while fasting, but it’s important to know what happens if you work out while fasting and make sure that you’re doing it right.
  • The type of exercise matters: depending on what kind of workout you choose, your body will react differently. If you’re going for a run and happen to hit the gym afterward, it may be more difficult for your body to process both types of exertion at once.
  • In general though (and especially if you’re new to fasting), try not to push yourself too hard during this time period—especially if this is an experience that feels new or unfamiliar.
  • But don’t let that stop you from trying something new! Even just one day of exercising or walking while fasting during Ramadan can give many people an extra boost in energy and help them reach their goals faster than they would have otherwise been able to get there without fasting at all.

How much should you exercise while fasting

If you’re going to exercise while fasting, it’s important to avoid overdoing it. You should never work out so hard that you feel nauseous or ill. If you do feel any of these things during your workout, stop immediately and take a break before continuing.

It is also wise to avoid exercises that make your heart beat faster than normal or cause dizziness or lightheadedness. For example, running sprints might be beneficial because they increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel and improve insulin sensitivity—but only if they’re done at low intensity for shorter periods of time (like sprinting for 20 seconds and resting for 30 seconds).

Running longer distances would not be advisable if one is fasting because it could deplete energy stores too quickly and lead to feeling faint after completion of the exercise regime.

Intermittent fasting and exercise

It is possible to combine intermittent fasting with exercise or exercise while fasted. Lets have a idea about best time to workout during intermittent fasting.

The most common form of intermittent fasting is the 16-hour fast, which involves eating between 8pm and 12pm the next day. It’s also known as time-restricted feeding, since you’re restricting your feeding window to a certain period of time each day.

For example, if you want to do a 16/8 fast (which means you eat for eight hours and then don’t eat for 16), then your first meal should be at 1 p.m., followed by another meal at 7 p.m., so that everything else falls into your fasting window between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m..

It’s important to note that this style of intermittent fasting isn’t recommended if you’re an athlete or someone who exercises regularly; however, it can still work well if it fits into your schedule and lifestyle!

When to workout while intermittent fasting

While there’s no clear consensus on whether or not you should exercise while fasting, here are a few guidelines that can help with your decision about when should you workout while fasting

  • If you’re feeling weak and dizzy or if your blood sugar is low, avoid heavy exertion.
  • Avoid high-intensity exercise while fasting if you’ve been fasting for more than 48 hours.
  • If you’re fasting for more than 72 hours straight, don’t engage in any activity that could cause injury or extreme fatigue (like lifting weights).

Pros and cons of exercising while on a fast

With all that said, there are some pros and cons to exercising while fasting. The key is to be aware of them so you can make an informed decision.

  • Exercise is a great way to help you feel energized and motivated, but it’s also important to remember that after a workout your body will need more time for recovery than if you hadn’t exercised at all—especially when you’re doing high-intensity workouts like CrossFit or bootcamp-style classes. Exercising during a fast isn’t going to “break” the fast as long as you’re eating within two hours after finishing your workout (and staying hydrated throughout).
  • In fact, some studies have shown that people who exercise on an empty stomach burn up more fat than those who don’t work out until they’ve eaten first; this could be because exercising increases appetite and makes it easier for people with higher metabolisms (or fast metabolisms) to eat more after working out intensely without gaining weight

Listen to your body.

You should listen to your body and not overwork it. Don’t overexert yourself during a fast or attempt anything that you haven’t done before. It’s important to listen to how you feel after fasting, and make sure that you’re not pushing yourself too far (especially if this is the first time you’ve tried fasting).

If you’re feeling dizzy or lightheaded, take a break from working out until your symptoms subside.


As you can see, there are many benefits to exercising while fasting. However, before workout in fasting, there is one very important thing to keep in mind: listen to your body! If your body is telling you that it cannot handle the strain of working out on an empty stomach, then do not force yourself to do it. Ultimately, its better to ask yourself that should I lift weights while fasting as you should be doing whatever makes you feel the best and keeps you happy.


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