Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned
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Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Homework is a burden to the students. Gradually they become less interest on study. They are affected with depression and anxiety. Lot of homework snatches the happy moment of the children. Teachers do not associate directly to the students.

Homework Curbs Student’s Freedom

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Students spend most of the time in school. They are restricting to do any activity in the school. They are binding on home task. Homework should be finished every day. In holidays they are engage with their homework. They do nothing in relax mood. They always run behind to complete the task. It curbs student freedom.

No Time For Physical Activity

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

There is no age bar to do physical activity. It helps to body fit. It generates lots of energy and enthusiasm. Children do not have any time for it. They are busy on doing their homework.

No Time For Outdoor Games

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Today students are very busy with their schedule. They finish their homework regular properly. They have no time to go outside. They do not play any outdoor games with their friends. They are very stressful.

Break Student’s Confidence

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Most of the students do not familiar with the topic of the subject. They do not have clear conception on the topic. Teachers do not give authentic information. They do not teach the lesson properly. They only give exercise on home task. Children do not understand the lesson. Sometimes parents do not support children on their task. It breaks confidence to the students.

Homework is not an achievement

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Doing homework is not a refreshment. Children spend most of the time by doing homework. They do not have enough time to do other things. It is a very painful task. The work is not a progressive task. It is not an achievement.

Develops Bad Habits

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Students do not like to study the text books. They always do their homework on a daily routine. They do not learn any other story books. They store aside most of the lesson of the subject.

Little Time To Spend With Family Members

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Students are very much engaged with their homework pressure. Family members play an important role to the mind of children. Children know that how to build up a strong relationship. Children need moral support from their family members. They know the value of the relation properly at this period. But heavy load of homework swallows the precious time. Children do not spend much time with their family members. They do not enjoy the moment with them.

Disagreement With Parents

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

There are many disagreement between children and with their parents for homework. Sometimes students refuse to do their homework then their parents force to them to do it. To do any project or assignment parents argue with their children.

Downtime At Home

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

After a long hours spend in school, children also spend much hour to do homework returning home. It is a great punishment for children. They do not go outside, spend time with friends, support parents. Children watching TV and playing video games make them feel like child. Teachers should provide free time for children.

Homework Causes Depression

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Having lots of homework can affect students’ mental health. Homework is very monotonous to them. They are completely exhausted.

No Real Benefit

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Most of the teachers think that students gain knowledge more and memorize more through homework. But it is wrong. It keeps away students from learning. They are panic with their tasks.

Lots of homework is not enough time for yourself

Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

Students who spend much time on home task fail to develop their life skills. They have no space of their own. They do not attend any type of activity and social culture. They do not interact with others for their need. They do not spend much time on their interests.

Additional Challenges

Most of the students do their classes in a regular way. After classes many of them engage with internships, part time job etc. It is very difficult to manage their time. They are very tired and exhausted at the end of the day.

If you go through all these points you must say that homework should be banned. Children do not develop entirely. Children suffer from mental depression. They do not have any restriction upon their mind. Their mind is free from all anxiety.


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