How to overcome the fear of heights

How to overcome the fear of heights

As humans, we all have fears. Some of us are afraid of spiders, some are scared of rats, while others are afraid of heights. For those who suffer from acrophobia, the fear of heights is one that can be very debilitating. The fear of peaks can cause panic attacks and make simple tasks like driving over a bridge or walking upstairs feel impossible. However, there are ways to overcome this fear and live your life without worrying about falling off something high up in the air.

What is Fear of heights?

How to overcome the fear of heights

Fear of heights is a type of specific phobia, which is an intense and irrational panic of something that poses little or no actual danger. It is also known as acrophobia. The word comes from the Greek words akros (highest) and Phobos (fear).

People with this height phobia experience anxiety when they are near the edge of something high off the ground, such as a balcony or tall building. They may experience panic attacks when they encounter situations that bring on their panic. For example, if you’re afraid of peaks and visit a tall building, you might feel dizzy at being so high up off the ground—and your reaction could be panic or terror instead of enjoyment at seeing a beautiful view from above.

Acrophobics typically have experienced one major traumatic event that has triggered their disorder; however, it can also develop gradually over time due to repeated exposure to situations that bring on symptoms (such as visiting tall buildings).

What is the cause of fear of heights?

How to overcome the fear of heights

Panic at heights is a type of phobia. Phobias can be debilitating, and they often cause people to avoid situations that they would otherwise feel okay with. Many people who suffer from the panic of heights will become very anxious in situations where they are high up, such as on an airplane or at the top of a building.

There are many causes for this type of height phobia, including genetics and trauma experiences during childhood. There are also some studies that show there may be a link between panic at heights and low self-esteem or anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive (OCD), post-traumatic stress (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), or panic attacks.

Also Read: Mood Disorders: What To Know

What are the symptoms of fear of heights?

The symptoms of panic at heights can range from mild to severe. In some cases, the person may feel dizzy and experience sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, and vomiting at the very thought of being high up. The more severe cases are when irrational fears would cause people to avoid high places altogether. Those who suffer from this phobia might also have negative thoughts about their ability to cope with or conquer their fear if forced into situations where they must ascend or descend an object or structure higher than eye level (such as stairs).

Anxiety attacks may occur when someone experiences anxiety so profoundly that they think they might die from it. When this happens, it’s important for them to seek help immediately before these feelings intensify further or become unbearable.

How to know if you have fear of heights?

It’s easy to tell if you have a panic at heights. If you feel dizzy or nauseous when looking down from a height, or if you can’t stand on the edge of a balcony or on top of a ladder, then it’s likely that you’re suffering from fear of heights.

In addition, if your panic extends to being in an airplane, elevator or skyscraper then this is also considered to be one sign that would point towards having a fear of heights.

Tips on overcoming the fear of heights

Recognize and understand the cause of fear

How to overcome the fear of heights

Understanding your fear is the first step to overcoming it. Panic comes in many different forms, but regardless of its origins or manifestations, there are several things you can do to help yourself get over it.

First, recognize what’s causing your panic. Is it heights? Or maybe public speaking? Take some time to explore this question on your own and think about how you’ve experienced these types of fears in the past: where were you when they occurred? What were you doing at the time? Who else was present? Were there any particular feelings or sensations associated with them? These are all important pieces of information that will help shed light on why exactly these events made us feel so afraid in the first place.

Exercise regularly

How to overcome the fear of heights

Regular exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. Not only can it help you to release endorphins and reduce stress, it can also improve your sleep quality and increase feelings of confidence, socializing abilities, and energy levels. By exercising regularly, you will be able to keep yourself mentally fit as well as physically fit. The more you exercise the better control you will have over your emotions and thoughts which will ultimately make it easier for people with heights phobia to conquer their fear.

Need better sleep

How to overcome the fear of heights

In order to overcome the fear of heights, you need better sleep. Sleep is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle. It’s important for our mental and physical health – we all know that if we don’t get enough sleep, it can affect our mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Sleep helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Lack of sleep can increase the production of cortisol in your body, which is known as the “stress hormone.” Cortisol causes your blood pressure to rise and increases feelings of anxiety. Having more cortisol also makes it more difficult for you to fall asleep at night because it makes you feel awake longer than normal due to its stimulating effects on your brain activity.

On top of this, lack of sleep will make you feel fatigued during the day which can cause even more problems when trying to perform tasks such as driving or climbing stairs because they require concentration on multiple things simultaneously – something that becomes harder when one isn’t fully alert due these factors mentioned above.”

Prepare yourself

How to overcome the fear of heights

In order to conquer the fear of heights, you first need to prepare yourself. This requires at least six different types of preparation:

  • Mental preparation
  • Physical preparation
  • Emotional preparation
  • Spiritual preparation
  • Financial preparation (if you’re going on a trip) or social (if you’re going on a date)

Gradual exposure to the fear

Gradual exposure to fear is a technique that helps you overcome your fear of heights. This process involves gradually exposing yourself to situations that make you fearful and then learning how to become comfortable with them. The goal is for you to become more comfortable being at high places so that eventually you no longer have a phobia about heights.

This technique works because it provides opportunities for small successes along the way, which makes it easier for someone with a fear of heights not only because they are getting used to being on higher ground but also because they feel good about what they have accomplished.

Visualize yourself for conquering fear

Visualizing yourself overcoming your fear is a great way to help you overcome it. This can be done in many ways, but one method is to picture yourself with your feet on the ground, look up at the height you are afraid of, and imagine yourself being able to look out over that height without anxiety. Imagine how you would feel if you were calm and relaxed instead of scared or anxious. You might want to practice this visualization until it feels natural before using it in real situations.

Practice relaxation techniques

How to overcome the fear of heights

One of the most effective ways to conquer the fear of heights is through practice. One way this can be done is through relaxation techniques, which are used to calm the body and mind.

  • Meditation: Practicing mindfulness meditation can help you relax and gain more control over your thoughts and feelings. As you meditate, focus on taking slow, deep breaths while visualizing yourself inhaling positive energy from Mother Earth (or whatever source you like), then exhaling all of your tension into it as well. This will help clear out any negative energy that may be affecting your body or mind.
  • Breathing exercises: It’s important that we breathe properly in order for our bodies to function properly—and when we’re afraid or stressed out, our breath tends to get shallow or even stop altogether. Inhale slowly through the nose for four counts; hold the breath for two counts; release slowly through pursed lips for eight counts before beginning again on another inhalation (you’ll want to aim for about 10 seconds per cycle). By slowing down your breathing rate, this technique will begin calming down both mind and body so they can relax together—which will ultimately help reduce any panic-related symptoms associated with height phobia in general.
  • Yoga: Yoga involves various processes designed specifically around releasing tension from muscles across different parts of the body where stress tends to accumulate most often – including those found within arms/shoulders/neck regions which can lead directly back up into brain structures responsible for controlling reactions like fear responses itself.

Eat healthy diet

How to overcome the fear of heights

A healthy diet can help you overcome your fear of heights. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and fish will ensure that you don’t feel weak or dizzy. Avoid sugar, salt and caffeine as well as alcohol which can all increase your heart rate. You should also avoid processed foods that are high in fat and sodium which will make you more sensitive to the effects of changes in altitude.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

How to overcome the fear of heights

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that helps you to change the way you think and behave. According to CBT, every thought you have produces a certain emotion, which in turn creates physical reactions in your body. For example, if you tell yourself that something will be difficult or scary (like jumping out of an airplane), it might cause fear and anxiety about doing that activity.

If you’re thinking about conquering your fear of heights by using CBT techniques on your own, keep in mind that this kind of therapy takes time. You don’t want to push yourself too hard or get discouraged when things don’t work right away—remembering this can help keep your motivation high enough so that eventually those fears fade away completely.


How to overcome the fear of heights

If you are experiencing a fear of heights, it’s important to know that medications can be used to treat anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. These medications include SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), tricyclics, and MAOIs. For example:

  • SSRIs — can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and PTSD by improving your moods. They may also reduce symptoms of OCD, panic disorder, or social phobia. The most common side effects include headaches and nausea.
  • SNRIs — can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters in your brain (serotonin, norepinephrine). The most common side effects include constipation or diarrhea; drowsiness; dizziness; nausea; sexual dysfunction; sweating/chills/trembling; unusual bleeding or bruising.

Before Starting any medications, don’t forget to ask a medical practitioner. 


If you want to conquer the fear of heights, you need to take it one step at a time. Start by facing your fear and learning how to deal with it. It’s important that you understand the root cause of your anxiety in order to better manage it and prevent the symptoms from returning. Next, find ways to cope with situations that trigger feelings of height-related anxiety (for example, going on vacation with friends who love skydiving). Finally, try some exposure therapy exercises—such as spending time on an airplane or taking off from an airplane simulator—to practice overcoming these fears in safe environments before doing so in real life.


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