5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are a relatively new innovation in the world of seating. Unlike standard office chairs, they don’t have a backrest and instead position you to sit with your butt on the floor. They’re called kneeling chairs because they allow you to kneel rather than sit in a chair, which can be good for your posture and reduce stress on your joints.

Because these types of chairs are relatively new, there’s not much research on their long-term effects yet. But based on anecdotal evidence and the many benefits of regular exercise, it seems likely that using one will help you feel healthier and more energized over time.

In this article, we’ll explore the main benefits of using a kneeling chair in your office or home.

About Kneeling Chair

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are a great option for those who are looking for an ergonomic chair that will help them to maintain good posture. They are typically designed to allow the user to sit with their knees raised higher than their hips, which encourages the pelvis to remain in a neutral position. This position is best for the body when it comes to sitting since it reduces pressure on the spine and allows proper blood flow. In addition, kneeling chairs typically have arms on them, which allows users to rest their arms while they are kneeling. Many models also feature an adjustable footrest so that users can adjust the height of their feet as needed.

Kneeling chairs can be used by anyone who wants to keep their body in a healthy position while they work or relax at home. Since they are designed with ergonomic principles in mind, they can be used by people of any age or size. In fact, some studies have found that people who use kneeling chairs report less back pain than those who do not use them regularly.

Benefits of kneeling chairs

Better balance

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are great for improving your balance. When you sit on a kneeling chair, it forces you to engage your core muscles and keep your spine upright. This helps you improve your posture and make sure that you’re not slouching or leaning back in the chair.

Because of this, kneeling chairs are great for office environments where employees might be working long hours in front of their computers, or even just for those who sit at a desk all day long. The balance of a kneeling chair is much better than that of a regular chair. This is because when you sit on a kneeling chair, your body is in an upright position, which allows your back to remain straight while you are sitting. In contrast, when you sit on a regular chair, there is an inclination towards your lower back since the upper half of your body is bent forward. This increases the pressure on your spine and causes back pain.

Reduce back pain

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are known for their ability to reduce back pain. This is because they allow your spine to be in a neutral position, which is the natural way of sitting. When you sit on a regular chair, your knees bend forward and your feet are in the air. When you’re standing, your feet are flat on the floor and your legs are straight. In both cases, the lower back is flexed, which puts pressure on the lumbar vertebrae. When you’re sitting on a kneeling chair, however, by putting your knees in front of you instead of behind you, you can keep your spine aligned and reduce pressure on those vulnerable areas.

Improve posture

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are a great way to improve your posture in the workplace. They can help you sit up straight and focus on keeping your back flat, which can make you more productive throughout the day.

Kneeling chairs help you to maintain a healthy, upright posture that is crucial for your long-term health. Kneeling chairs force you to sit up straight and keep your head aligned with your spine, which can have a huge impact on the way you feel. When you’re sitting in a kneeling chair, it’s far easier to maintain good posture, which can help prevent back pain and other issues.

Reduce hip pain

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are great for reducing hip pain. They reduce pressure on the joints that connect your legs to your pelvis and lower back, which can help you avoid long-term pain. The main benefit of a kneeling chair is that it helps you to maintain a neutral pelvis, which can help prevent hip pain. A neutral pelvis is when your hips are directly over your knees, so your hips are in the same plane as your knees and the floor. When you’re sitting on a regular chair and your knees are lower than your hips, this can cause stress on the muscles and joints in your hips, which can lead to pain.

Kneeling chairs help you maintain a neutral pelvis by putting you in an upright position with your back straight. You’ll also find that if you have knee or back problems, kneeling chairs will make it easier for you to sit without pain or pressure points in those areas because they give you more freedom of movement in these areas than traditional chairs do.

Better circulation

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are a great way to improve your circulation and keep your muscles in motion. Sitting for long periods of time can cause your blood to pool in your legs, which can lead to varicose veins and blood clots. Kneeling chairs improve circulation by forcing you to keep your legs raised at all times, allowing blood to flow through the legs and keeping them from getting stiff or swollen. Kneeling chairs encourage you to sit in a position that makes it easier for blood to flow throughout your body. This position is also called the “child’s pose,” which is a yoga pose. When you sit upright and force yourself to be still, it helps your heart and lungs work more efficiently.

Improve breathing

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs make it easier to breathe, which means more oxygen can flow through your body. This is especially helpful for people who have back problems or are otherwise unable to sit upright for long periods of time. Kneeling chairs are a great option for anyone who is looking to improve their breathing. Many people find that the traditional office chair can cause them to hold their breath, and this can lead to health problems such as asthma and COPD. Kneeling chairs encourage you to take deep breaths, which will help your body stay healthy and strong.

Better hip rotation

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs can improve hip rotation and flexibility, which can help you avoid back pain and other ailments that stem from poor posture.

When you sit or stand in a traditional chair, your hips are pushed forward. This can cause your lower back to curve inward, which puts stress on your spine. The kneeler’s design forces you to sit with your hips rotated back, so your lower back is straightened out. A lot of people who sit in traditional chairs have problems with their hips rotating properly, which can lead to issues like sciatica and lower back pain. Kneeling chairs allow for better movement in the hip area, which can help to alleviate those kinds of issues.

Better digestion

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are great for digestion. Kneeling in the sitting position helps you to relax and gives your body a chance to rest, so it can focus on digesting the food that you have just eaten. This is especially helpful for those who suffer from constipation or diarrhea, but it can also help anyone who has a hard time getting through their meals without feeling uncomfortable. Kneeling chairs are a great way to remind your body that it is an active organism that needs movement to function properly. They encourage healthy digestion, which means you’ll feel better after eating and have fewer issues with bloating and gas.

Increase focus

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Kneeling Chair at Your Desk

Kneeling chairs are great for increasing focus because they help you sit up straight. When you’re on your feet, it’s easy to slouch and slump over, leading to a lack of focus and poor posture. A kneeling chair forces you to sit up straight, which increases circulation throughout the body, including in your head. This means more blood flow to the brain and better oxygenation of the brain cells. It also means that the muscles in your back are working efficiently and effectively, which reduces fatigue and tension in your back muscles.


In conclusion, Kneeling Chairs are a great option for anyone who wants to improve their posture, or ease their discomfort from sitting for long periods of time. They offer many advantages over traditional chairs, including built-in back support and the ability to be used for a variety of activities. With the right kneeling chair, you can be confident that your body will feel better and more comfortable throughout the day.


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