What is Mead and Health benefits to Drinking Mead

What is Mead and Health benefits to Drinking Mead

Mead is a fermented alcoholic beverage made from honey and water. It can also be made from other sugars, such as rice or grapes. Mead is known to have been produced as early as 7000 years ago in China and was also popular in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and Africa. In fact, it was believed that mead was considered one of the oldest alcoholic drinks consumed by humanity.

Mead is a fermented beverage made from honey. It has been around since the time of ancient Greece, and it is still produced today. Mead is also known as honey wine, and in the United States, mead can only be made with honey that has been produced in America. Mead has been used for medicinal purposes throughout history.

What is Mead?

What is Mead

Mead is a fermented alcoholic beverage made from honey, water and yeast. It is produced by fermenting honey with water, yeast, and some additional flavoring ingredients.

Mead was originally an important part of the culture of early Indo-European societies such as the Slavs and Celts who lived throughout Eurasia from about 1500 BC to AD 500. The name “mead” may derive from the old English word medu or meode meaning “intoxicating beverage,” which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic root maitan meaning “to be inebriated.”

Types of Mead

Mead is one of the most ancient alcoholic beverages that humans have ever made. It’s been around for thousands of years and has only recently been making a comeback in America.

There are different types of mead, which are based on the type of honey used. If you’re interested in making your own, here are some of the more popular types:

  • Melomel – Melomel is a type of mead made with fruit juice or fruit pulp instead of water or sweetener. It’s often flavored with spices, herbs, or fruits to make it more interesting.
  • Metheglin – Metheglin is another type of mead that’s flavored with herbs or spices like cinnamon or cloves. The herbs can be steeped in hot water before they’re added to the honey mixture so that their flavors are infused into the drink from start to finish.
  • Cyser – Cyser uses apples instead of honey as its sweetener base. The apples are often cooked down before being added to the mead mixture so that their flavor becomes more concentrated and intense when mixed together with water and yeast for fermentation purposes later on down the line (i.e., over time).
  • Pyment – Pyment is a type of mead that’s flavored with grapes.

Mead comes in a variety of styles and flavors, so it’s important to know the difference between the different types.

There are two main categories of mead: traditional and experimental. The most common type is Traditional Mead, which has been around for centuries. It’s made using honey as its primary ingredient and fermented with yeast until it’s ready to consume.

Experimental Meads are less common but still widely available; they’ve been modernized to appeal to a wide range of palates by adding new ingredients or changing production methods.

How it is used?

Health benefits to Drinking Mead

Mead has a long history. It’s been around since the Stone Age and was the drink of choice for Vikings, who used it to toast their victories. While mead is primarily associated with medieval times, it’s still made today in many countries including North America, China and Russia.

Mead is produced by fermenting honey and water with yeast over time; the fermentation process creates alcohol, adding carbonation when you bottle your mead once its ready to consume! They are sometimes called honey wines because they can take on a sweet flavor from the honey used in their production process.

How to make?

Mead is an alcoholic beverage made from honey and water, and sometimes fruit and spices. It’s also known as “honey wine”, but it contains less alcohol than other wines. The honey is diluted with water, and yeast is added to the mixture.

The yeast converts sugar in the honey into carbon dioxide gas and ethanol (the alcohol). As this happens, carbon dioxide bubbles are released through a special tube called a blow-off hose or airlock which keeps oxygen out of your mead so that it doesn’t spoil.

Health benefits

Health benefits to Drinking Mead

The people of ancient times believed that mead was a gift from the gods, and they drank it as a symbol of their connection to these beings. They also believed that consuming mead had magical properties, including the ability to heal wounds and treat illnesses.

Mead has been associated with many benefits in the past, but recent studies have shown that most of those claims are unfounded. For example, mead was once said to cure illness, but more recent research has shown that there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Side effects of excess consumption of Mead

What is Mead

Mead may cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea if consumed in large amounts. It is also important to note that mead can contain alcohol content of up to 12 percent. Therefore, those who plan on consuming mead should do so responsibly and in moderation.

Side effects of excess consumption of Mead include:

  • Insomnia
  • Excessive thirst and urination
  • Growth of facial hair in women (hirsutism)


Mead is an alcoholic beverage that has been used for thousands of years. While it is commonly known as a health drink, the benefits of mead are only an eyewash. It has side effects of alcohol addiction and should be consumed in moderation.

The real benefits of mead are not worth the side effects of alcohol addiction.

Too many people have been falling prey to the allure of mead, and it’s important that we stop them from making the same mistakes we did. We’re saying NO to mead, and YES to sobriety.

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