Humidity and Allergies

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Have You Ever Wondered Why Humidity and Allergies Go Hand-in-Hand? Everything You Need to Know: a blog around humidity and its affect on allergies with helpful tips for those suffering from this.

Humidity and Allergies

The humidity level is important to your body because it helps regulate internal temperature. When the humidity is too low, you’re more likely to feel cold or experience chapping or dry skin. If it’s too high, you may sweat excessively and have less success with hair styling.

The ideal humidity level for most people is between 30 and 50 percent. However, some people have allergies that are aggravated by high levels of humidity, while others are affected by low levels.

If you suffer from chronic allergies, try keeping indoor air as dry as possible. This can be accomplished by using a dehumidifier in your home or office if needed and running the air conditioning when possible.

In addition to keeping indoor air dry, make sure you’re washing bedding often and using an anti-allergen cover on your mattress if needed

Types of Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions are caused by the body’s immune system reacting to a foreign substance called an allergen. Allergens can include pollen, molds, dust mites and pet dander, among others.

Allergic reactions can happen in different ways, depending on the type of allergy you have. Here are the four basic types of allergic reactions:

IgE-mediated allergies — These are the most common type of allergic reaction and involve an immune system response called immunoglobulin E (IgE). The most severe form of IgE-mediated allergies is anaphylaxis (pronounced ann-ah-fil-AK-sis), which can be life-threatening if not treated immediately.

IgE sensitization — This form of allergy develops when someone is exposed to small amounts of an allergen over time and their body learns to recognize it as something harmful. The next time that person is exposed to that particular allergen, their immune system releases IgE antibodies that cause inflammation and trigger symptoms such as itching or hives.

Airway hypersensitivity — In this form of allergy, a person’s airways swell when they inhale certain irritants that would otherwise be harmless for most people. Some examples include asthma

The Two Main Causes for Humidity Issues

The two main causes for humidity issues are too much moisture or too little of it.

Too much moisture can cause mold, mildew and other problems in your home. This can be caused by leaks or poor ventilation, but sometimes it can also be due to the climate where you live. If you live in an area with high humidity levels, your home may require more ventilation than those in drier climates.

Too little moisture can also cause problems with allergies and asthma. In fact, indoor air quality is a bigger risk factor for developing asthma than outdoor air quality is. If you have asthma or allergies, make sure your home has enough ventilation to keep its humidity level at a healthy level.

Mold spores also thrive in high-humidity environments. When these spores are inhaled by people with allergies or asthma, they can cause nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, itching and throat irritation.

During periods when there isn’t enough moisture in the air for mold spores to grow, allergens such as pet dander and pollen may become more prevalent because they aren’t being washed away by rain or other precipitation.

Humidity causes pollen grains to release histamines, much like salt does for a lily bulb.

Moisture can also worsen your allergies by helping mold spores and dust mites thrive in the air.

Allergic reactions to pet dander, dust and mites are common. Dander is the dead skin that flakes off your pet and gets into the air. Dust is the tiny particles of dirt and hair that can come from a variety of sources. Mites are tiny bugs that live on your pet’s skin and in their bedding.

Dander, dust and mites can cause allergic reactions in many people — especially those who are allergic to dogs or cats. The symptoms of an allergic reaction can include:

  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes
  • Coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath (asthma)

How Can You Avoid Allergy Symptoms During High Humidity?

Seasonal allergies are caused by pollen and mold spores that float in the air. When inhaled, they cause an immune system response that results in sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes.

High humidity is one of the major environmental factors that can trigger seasonal allergies. The reason is that high humidity keeps pollen floating in the air for longer periods of time.

Here are some tips for avoiding allergy symptoms during high humidity:

Limit outdoor exposure when possible. If you’re allergic to pollen, avoid areas where grasses grow or trees bloom. Pollen counts tend to be highest between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., so try not to go outside during those hours if possible.

Use air conditioning at home and in your car if possible. Air conditioners remove moisture from the air, which helps reduce allergens such as mold spores and dust mites — both common triggers for seasonal allergies. If you don’t have an air conditioner, consider using a dehumidifier or whole-house ventilation fan in your home (or apartment).

Avoid direct exposure to plants like grasses and flowers that produce pollen when outdoors — wear long sleeves and pants, use netting over your face if necessary.

Best Places to Live for People with Allergies

The best places to live are those that are not too humid. People with allergies tend to be more sensitive to humidity than healthy people. The higher the humidity level, the more likely it is that you will have problems.

There are many ways that you can avoid having trouble with humidity in your home or apartment. One option is using air conditioning when you need it. This keeps your home cool and reduces the amount of moisture in the air, which helps keep allergens at bay. If you don’t want to use air conditioning all day long, you may want to consider installing a dehumidifier in your home. Dehumidifiers use electricity to remove moisture from the air so that it becomes easier for human bodies to breathe comfortably. If you don’t want an appliance taking up space in your home, then consider buying an electric fan instead of an air conditioner or dehumidifier. Fans blow air through an area but do not remove any moisture from it at all (which is why they’re so popular during hot summer days).

High levels of humidity are most commonly found in areas close to oceans and other bodies of water.

High levels of humidity are most commonly found in areas close to oceans and other bodies of water. In these areas, the air is often very moist and full of moisture that can cause the development of mold and mildew.

High humidity can also lead to the growth of dust mites, which are small arthropods that feed on human skin scales and pollen. These allergens can cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to them.

Ways to Avoid Allergies

The best way to avoid pollen and other allergens is to stay indoors as much as possible during allergy season.

While you’re inside, set your air conditioner to recirculate indoor air and keep it on, even when you’re not home.

Filter the air in your house, or use an air purification system to trap allergens.

Stock up on allergy medicine if you need it during allergy season. You may even want to talk to your doctor about allergy shots this season.

Wrapping Up

Humidity and allergies go hand-in-hand. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to control the level of humidity in your indoor spaces so that you can maintain a healthy environment within your home.

If you keep the humidity level in your home within a healthy range, you could see a significant decrease in your allergies. However, if this is a concern for you, or if you just want to take steps in the right direction to create a comfortable climate for your home, it’s best to consult with an expert on indoor air quality like AirPurifiers.



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