Best Summer Travel destination Daintree Rainforest

Daintree Rainforest

If you’re looking for the best summer travel destination, look no further than Daintree Rainforest! The Daintree Rainforest is one of the oldest rainforests on earth. It is located in Far North Queensland, Australia and covers an area of approximately 1,500 square kilometers. The rainforest is home to many rare and endangered species like the Green Tree Frogs and the Cassowaries. This makes it a very attractive destination for tourists who want to see wildlife up close without having to go into the wild themselves. The best time to visit this unique place is between May and September when there is less chance of raining and humidity levels are lower than at other times during the year.

History of Daintree Rainforest

Amazing facts about Daintree Rainforest 

The Daintree Rainforest has been home to the indigenous people of Australia for over 40,000 years. The area was first explored by Europeans in 1845 when Ludwig Leichhardt, a German explorer who was searching for an overland route between Sydney and Port Essington on the Gulf of Carpentaria.

The region has remained pristine due to its isolation from the rest of world until recent times. In fact, you may find that many locals have never even left the continent! In 1958, John Ainsworth Horrocks discovered a new species of tree frog near Cape Tribulation called Litoria caerulea or green tree frog which is now found nowhere else on earth except in this part of Australia’s tropical rainforest (and also New Guinea).

The Daintree Rainforest in Australia is a place where you can explore nature and wildlife on foot. It is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, making it home to over 100 species of mammals, more than 600 types of birds and over 1000 species of plants.

The rainforest is also home to many endangered species including the yellow-spotted monitor lizard, green tree python and cassowary bird. You will be able to see these animals up close during your guided tours through the rainforest.

If you prefer something less adventurous, then there are plenty of activities available such as kayaking down the Mossman River or cruising along the beaches on a glass bottom boat tour with views of World Heritage listed areas like Cape Tribulation and The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.


Amazing facts about Daintree Rainforest 

Daintree Rainforest is located in Far North Queensland. This region is known for its tropical climate, lush rainforests, and rugged mountain ranges that attract visitors from around the world.

The Daintree Rainforest extends from Port Douglas to Cape Tribulation, encompassing an area of about 110 km by 70 km (70 miles x 40 miles). The Wet Tropics World Heritage Area also covers part of this region; it was granted UNESCO World Heritage status in 1994 due to its outstanding biological diversity.

The Daintree River runs through the heart of this area, winding its way through dense forested areas before entering into the Coral Sea at Mossman Gorge (named after John Murray Mossman who explored further inland than any other European explorer).

Some Amazing facts about Daintree Rainforest 

aajkaakhbaar Daintree Rainforest 

As the oldest tropical rainforest on earth, the Daintree Rainforest is home to a large variety of wildlife and plants. The area provides a habitat for over 50% of Australia’s bird species and more than half of the Australian mammal species.

There are a number of species that can only be found in the Daintree Rainforest. The list below includes some of these animals:

  • The Daintree River Turtle

The Daintree River Turtle is an aquatic turtle that can be found in the rivers and streams of the Daintree Rainforest. This turtle is listed as endangered and has been since 1975. There are only about 100 individuals left in the wild, but conservation efforts are underway to help increase their numbers.

  • The Saltwater Crocodile

Summer Travel destination Daintree Rainforest

The Saltwater Crocodile is one of the largest crocodiles in the world and can grow up to 20 feet long! They can also weigh up to 2,000 pounds! The Saltwater Crocodiles are found throughout Australia, but they are rarer in Daintree Rainforest than other areas because it is so remote.

  • The Giant Barramundi Fish

The Giant Barramundi Fish is a type of fish that lives in fresh water environments, like rivers and lakes. They can be found throughout Australia, but their population has declined due to overfishing and pollution from humans who live nearby. The Giant Barramundi Fish is listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species because there aren’t many left anymore; however, conservation efforts are underway to help bring their numbers back up again so we can enjoy seeing them in our natural habitats once more!

  • The Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo

The Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo is one of the smallest tree kangaroos in the world. They are found only in the rainforests of Australia, including the Daintree Rainforest. They live on large trees and eat leaves and fruits.

  • The cassowary

Summer Travel destination Daintree Rainforest

The cassowary is a large flightless bird native to Australia. It grows up to 6 feet tall and can weigh as much as 150 pounds. Although they are considered flightless, they can run up to 30 miles per hour.

The cassowary is built for survival in the dense rainforests of Australia. They have a large beak that they use to eat fruit, leaves, and insects and their feathers help them blend in with their surroundings while they’re hunting for food.

This bird has several adaptations that help it survive in its environment. For example, these birds have very strong legs and feet which allow them to walk through thick mud without sinking too far down into it. They also have thick skin underneath their feathers so that when they swim through water during rainy season or swim over rocks or logs during dry season, their skin doesn’t get damaged by sharp rocks underneath them.

Rare Plants Found Only in the Daintree

The Daintree Rainforest is a place where the rare and unique plants of the world can be found. It is home to some of the most exotic flora, including:

  • The Spotted Cone Flower—a plant that grows up to 6 feet tall, with bright yellow petals and a dark green center.
  • The Blue Quandong—a tree with a blue fruit that resembles an apricot, but tastes like honey.
  • The Fringed Orchid—an orchid that only grows in the Daintree Rainforest and has been known to bloom for up to 10 years without wilting. It is one of the most amazing facts about Daintree Rainforest.
  • The Ironwood Tree—a tree that can grow up to 300 years old and has a bark so dense it’s almost impossible for insects or animals to eat it!

How to go Daintree

Summer Travel destination Daintree Rainforest

  • From Cairns to the Daintree: There are several ways to reach the Daintree, but flying into Cairns is one of the quickest. Fly via Virgin Australia, Jetstar or Qantas from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.
  • From Port Douglas to the Daintree: The drive from Port Douglas along Fitzroy River Rd takes about three hours and offers some spectacular scenery on its way north. Alternatively, you can catch a bus from Port Douglas or Mossman (three times per week) that stops at Cape Tribulation before continuing on to Cooktown.
  • From Cooktown to Cape Tribulation: If you want to explore Cape Tribulation National Park with its tropical rainforest and crystal-clear waters, then this may be your best option for making it there in time for sunset—taking just over an hour by car from Cooktown itself!
  • From Cape Tribulation National Park Visitor Centre northwards along Peninsula Development Road to Mossman Gorge: Take a scenic drive through increasingly dense jungle as well as some interesting historical sites such as Bloomfield Track Station near Bloomfield Falls before arriving at your destination! Make sure not miss out on viewing these naturals.

When to go Daintree

If you’re planning a trip to the Daintree rainforest, it’s important to know when the best time is to go. The best months are May through September, as this is when the weather is most pleasant. The beginning and end of these months are also peak seasons for tourists so be prepared for crowds! In addition to this, make sure you have a good deal of time set aside in case your flight gets delayed due to bad weather.

In terms of rain, there’s no avoiding it when visiting during wet season – the north Queensland coast receives more than 2 meters (200 centimetres) of rainfall each year from November through April! However, if you’re not used to being rained on every day or don’t like getting soaked for days at a time then avoid this period as much as possible: even though it does mean beautiful green surroundings (the trees turn green during wet season), it won’t be easy going if your entire holiday depends on being outdoors every day.

Things To Do at Daintree Rainforest 

Daintree Rainforest 

If you want to experience the amazing facts about Daintree Rainforest personally then pack your bag and get there to do several things.

  • Diving is an excellent way to discover underwater life in this area.
  • Swimming can be done anywhere along the coastline or even on your own private island.
  • Nature walks are popular among visitors who want to learn more about how plants and animals survive in this lush environment.
  • Bird watching is another popular activity here, as there are over 200 species of birds found nowhere else in Australia.
  • Camping is also possible right on your own private island if you choose one with a campground included! You may also wish to rent kayaks or canoes for paddling around nearby waterways or set sail on a sailing trip through the waters of Cape Tribulation National Park by boat charter company Nautilus Cruises (www). This tour company has been operating since 1987 so they know their stuff when it comes time for exploring our nation’s beauty spots.
  • Kayaking is an amazing way to explore the Daintree Rainforest. You will be able to see all kinds of wildlife, including crocodiles, snakes and birds. If you’re feeling adventurous, go snorkeling in one of the many pristine waterways.


Daintree Rainforest 

You may have been wondering how much a trip to Daintree Rainforest will cost. Well, it depends on what you want to do and where you go, but here are some things that could help you with your decision:

  • A day tour of the Daintree Rainforest can be found for as low as $200 AUD. However, if you want to stay overnight in one of the resorts nearby, then expect to pay at least $250 AUD per night on average.
  • If you’re looking for something cheaper, then consider staying in Cairns or Port Douglas instead—both cities have flights from Brisbane Airport that usually cost less than $300 AUD return.


There are some precautions you should take when visiting the Daintree Rainforest:

  • Wear long pants and sleeves, as well as walking shoes. This will protect you from insects, snakes and any other wildlife that might be lurking around.
  • Pack insect repellent. The Daintree Rainforest is home to thousands of species of mosquitoes, flies and other insects that bite or sting. Insect repellent can be purchased in shops around town; make sure it has DEET in it.
  • Don’t drink water from creeks or rivers (it may contain dangerous bacteria), or eat uncooked food that’s been sitting out for hours (you don’t know what kind of bugs have been crawling over them). If you must drink the water without treating it first with purification tablets or boiling it (don’t try this at home!), then stick to bottled water instead–the locals use it too! Remember: no matter how thirsty you get while hiking through this tropical paradise, don’t risk getting sick just so you can quench your thirst.


The Daintree Rainforest is one of Australia’s most important natural resources. Its rich biodiversity and ecologically sustainable practices have made it possible for us to enjoy its beauty today. We need to make sure we do what we can to protect this place now so that future generations can continue enjoying its wonders. As you read about amazing facts about Daintree Rainforest, so, pack your bag and have an exciting Summer vacation to enjoy a lifetime experience by keeping yourself closest to nature.

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